Monday 18 August 2014

Guild ranks, requirements and rights

Reminder for new Guildies!


I. Flower-ranger
rights: nothing (still benefits from Guild bonuses)
requirements: nothing

II. Member
rights: recruit, acces to chest 1-2
requirements: 1000GP

III. Veteran
rights: recruit, acces to chest 1-2-3-4 and contrabandit
requirements: 2500GP

IV. Commander
rights: recruit, acces to all bank slots (houses and contrabandit too) take kamas from bank, manage HW, buy guild bonuses, edit guild message,
requirements: 5000GP

V. Justiciar (second in command)
rights: everything except create/edit/delete ranks 
requirements: your life is owned by the Guild :D

Change rank for alts:
Commanders can change their alts rank to II without GP requirement, but they need to pay 10000K, and write "ranK" (K = kama symbol) in guild chat.

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