Thursday, 9 April 2015

What's next? Haven World!

Hey Guildies!

As you can see We got a big plan to make Our Guild more efficient. Of course we have lot to do and work hard to reach all the goals of Our Guild.

Let's see what is our first goal to reach:

Yes! the Guild Hall level 3. We need it to unlock new buildings for our HW. 
And finally we get to the nice new buildings to give us even more bonuses! 

                     +10% Weapon Masters/Jeweller/Miner/Armorer/Lumberjack/Handyman Xp
                                 +10% Herbalist/Tailor Xp                +10% Fisherman/Chef Xp
                                   +10% Trapper/LD Xp                +10% Farmer/Baker Xp

So you think that's all, right? Nope! There is even more!
                                             +10 PP                                    +10 Wisdom
+1 kit skill

Whoohoo that's a long post right? :D Just keep reading if you want to know more :D
So now you know what are our plans. But how can you donate to Guild to make this all true? 
You can donate Kamas of course OR you can donate resources! Gonna show how:

You step into the HW at Amakna Swords Crossing and put your seeds, materials or whatever you don't need into the chest to make resource points (RP).

Don't hesitate to visit Our HW and look around a bit :)