Friday, 7 August 2015

Free Costumes in game!

Hey everyone,

Your costume looks old and dusty? Here some tips how you can obtain some nice and mostly free or really cheap costumes in game: 

  • Mercenary Costumes:
               Sufokia              Astrub              Amakna              Bonta            Brakmar                                                          
If you finish all mercenary questline related to a nation, you obtain one of these costumes. You can do this also in Astrub and all other Nations. 

These costumes are not linked to account, so you can sell them later too.

  • Gaga Island (Trool Fair) Costumes:

Quackquack              Dark Vlad                Spectral            Cupiddlypants
Quackquack costume: Fish and just fish at Quackquack Pond till u get this nice costume. 

Dark Vlad Costume: Go to Dark Vlad's maze, find and kill the real Dark Vlad to get it.

Spectral Costume: Ghostof Mansion, use Be scared emote on a pile of bones near the entrace (inside)

Cupiddlypants Costume: Tunnel of love, search the switch on the right wall inside the room. Stand before the poster and use Harp emote to get it.

Remember that you need to pay 5 Kamas for each try while playing these games!

These costumes are linked to account, so you can't sell them later.

  • Quest/achievement related Costumes:

Shilay Liu         Lin Kawaii        Wabbit    
Shilay Liu Costume: Get to lvl 125 and do the Dojo at Wabbit island, At the end of the quest you can choose from 2 costumes, this is the fire one.

Lin Kawaii Costume: Same as Shilay Liu Costume. You only need to choose the water one at the end of the Dojo quest.

Wabbit Costume: Do all environmental challanges at Wabbit Island. 

Only the Wabbit costume is linked to account, Lin kawaii and Shilay Liu are tradeable.

          Icy               Father Deepboar
Icy Costume: You can obtain this costume only after you reached lvl 100. Do the first questline at Chillberg Island and its yours. 

Father Deepboar Costume: Chillberg, Snowbound Village, Tell the fact to Father Deepboar that he is dead, go to Ambassador Wing's dungeon and take the Death certificate in the last room of the dungeon from a bookshelf back to him. 

These costumes are linked to account!

Thrown-Together Castuc Costume
Thrown-together castuc Costume: Ohwymi, Do the main questline to get this Costume.

Castuc costume not linked to account, you can sell it later.

Thursday, 23 July 2015

The Rotcere Academy

Hey Guys,

Today we have build up the new Rotcere Mine what gives 10 PP for all Guildies. Nice, right? 

Guess you are already asking, what will be the next on our list. So, here it is:

The Rotcere Academy what gives 10 Wisdom 

Please do read my older posts for more information!

We would like to thank for all donations so far, We could finally buy all the empty areas in HW, what means lot more space for new Buildings! Good job guys! 

Monday, 13 July 2015

Spell deck and more HW stuff!

Hey Everyone,

So many things happened in the last few months in Wakfu. Everyone knows about duplicated items, new deck system, many people leaving the game but also many of us like the changes and there are still few newcomers to the World of twelve.

Let's talk about Guild changes. We finally build up the lvl 3 Guild Hall! In my last post you could see which of the buildings could be the next, what would gives us a nice permanent bonus (like wisdom or prospecting, craft xp etc.)

lvl 3 Guild hall

After many hours of discussion we decided to build up the Rotcere Mine what gives 10 Prospecting to all members!

We still await any kind of donations (resources points and/or Kamas) in this case! 

Just as i wrote, many things happened or changed. Same goes for our Haven World. With few days of hard work and many helping hands we could finally rebuild, clear and arrange our HW. Many things u knew got a new placement now (zaap, market, phoenix, Guild Hall etc). New forests to all lumberjacks and new houses for those who need few hours of tranquillity are available and a bigger arena to enjoy the upcoming pvp tournaments. 

Hope you guys like the changes because this is only the beginning. We plan to build up a new building or add new areas every single month from now on. 

U got few minutes? Take a look and see the difference yourself :)

Thursday, 9 April 2015

What's next? Haven World!

Hey Guildies!

As you can see We got a big plan to make Our Guild more efficient. Of course we have lot to do and work hard to reach all the goals of Our Guild.

Let's see what is our first goal to reach:

Yes! the Guild Hall level 3. We need it to unlock new buildings for our HW. 
And finally we get to the nice new buildings to give us even more bonuses! 

                     +10% Weapon Masters/Jeweller/Miner/Armorer/Lumberjack/Handyman Xp
                                 +10% Herbalist/Tailor Xp                +10% Fisherman/Chef Xp
                                   +10% Trapper/LD Xp                +10% Farmer/Baker Xp

So you think that's all, right? Nope! There is even more!
                                             +10 PP                                    +10 Wisdom
+1 kit skill

Whoohoo that's a long post right? :D Just keep reading if you want to know more :D
So now you know what are our plans. But how can you donate to Guild to make this all true? 
You can donate Kamas of course OR you can donate resources! Gonna show how:

You step into the HW at Amakna Swords Crossing and put your seeds, materials or whatever you don't need into the chest to make resource points (RP).

Don't hesitate to visit Our HW and look around a bit :)

Thursday, 26 March 2015

Let's clean the Guild!

Hey everyone,

We made a decision to clean the Guild from inactive players till the end of this month. 
That means, characters with 0 GP and not used alts.

Why we have to do this? 

At the moment our Guild is filled with inactive, not used characters. Many of our old members gone inactive in the last few months. These characters take the place from new active members, and holding us back from recruiting. 

Remember, if you don't want that we kick your alt from Guild, you have to contact the high ranked Guild members.

Since lot of us got many alts, we can't make difference while cleaning Fortuna. Keep contact with the Guild Master and Justiciars!

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Where nightmare begins....

Hey everyone, 

Where begins a nightmare? When u woke up one morning, you log in, do your usual stuff like every day, check your Guild stuff and u see that everything is stolen. 

You know that only few of the members have access to Kamas and bank slots with the expensive stuff. You are already thinking who could be the thief, who robbed your Guild, but u see only an unknown name in the Guild Banks history. How is this happening and why? You got no clue.... only the name. The name what makes you angry and disappointed in the same time. 

Than u already know that there are only 2 things what could happen. Someone who you trusted, betrayed you and the Guild. You were playing together maybe for years, but doesn't matter, that person got patient to wait more years to betray everyone. (Could this really happen? Why should anyone do something like this after years of fun and after building the guild together?) 

There is one more possibility. One of those who got the right rank and access got scammed. Someones account was stolen than the thief thought "Why should i stop with the stuff he has, i can rob the whole Guild!" 

If it's the first than you gonna be disappointed and sad, if the second one than the same. Nothing changes. But why we can't just play in peace with eachother? Why we have to deal with these kind of people around? 

To the thief: 

U needed money? I would have give you. You needed fragments or mats? We all need them, better ask it, and we help collect anything you want to have. Are you angry because u could not buy a booster pack this months? Or are u just a stupid kid who does not know whats the meaning of hard work? U want everything for yourself right? U selfish stupid creature. If you ever reach the age to be an adult, please don't spread your seeds, don't tame, because there is no human on this Earth who wants more idiots around. 

We are not angry about you. You just made some nasty moments for us, life moves on. We don't care. But i hope you are happy. It's actually all about you isn't it? You got some serious problems, child. Maybe there is still hope for you.....not sure thought. 

With kind regards. 

From now on only the Leader will be able to manage ranks! Everyone who had this right will lose it permanently.

Tuesday, 27 January 2015


- What are my obligations as a member of Fortuna Major Guild?
We expect all ranks to constantly do guild quests, and pay the taxes as mentioned in the guildblog.

- What is the deadline of guild tax?
Last day of the current month. That doesn't mean you can't pay in advance.

- What if i can't pay the guild tax? I have no money dude! Really? 
Rank × 10.000/month is not much at all. If you need advice how to make kamas, ask higher rank members.

- What if i keep being a douche and skip my guild obligations?
As easy you got in the guild is as easy as you can find yourself out of the guild.

- But other lvl10 guilds don't ask for taxes! I will go and join one of those guilds! We only need HELPFUL members anyway ;)

- Are there guild events, or joint dungeon runs?
Of course, if you want to go to a dungeon, try recruit within the guild first.

- Why I can't access some chests of the guild bank?
Because you haven't earned the rank for it yet. (details in blog)

- What should I put in the guild bank?
Don't put your junk there, and don't use it as an extension of your personal bags! If you are not sure, ask a higher rank.

- What will happen to the tax that i pay in? I bet the leaders spend it on themselves!
Nope, big NOPE. All the income from taxes goes to Haven World improvements, we still need millions of kamas to max it.

- Where is our Haven World?
It faces Amakna Swords Crossings Zaap.


- Mik a kötelezettségeim a Fortuna Major Guild tagjaként?
Guild küldetéseket nyomjátok, plusz az adót tessék normálisan fizetni ahogy a blogon levan irva.

- Mi az adó befizetésének harárideje?
Az adott hónap utolsó napja. Persze ez nem azt jelenti hogy az utolsó napra kell hagyni.

- De nem érted hogy nincs pénzem? hogy fizessem be haver?
Rangod × 10.000 kamas/hónap egyáltalán nem sok. Ha nem tudod még hogy kell pénzt csinálni kérdezd a nagyobbakat és megmutatják.

- Mi lesz ha faszoskodok és továbbra is kerülöm a guild kötelezettségeket?
Amilyen könnyen bekerültél, úgy ki is lehet kerülni.

- De a többi lvl10 guild nem kér adót! Inkább átmegyek egy olyanba!
Nekünk amúgy is csak SEGITENI AKARÓ tagokra van szükségünk! ;)

- Vannak guildes megmozdulások, megyünk instázni együtt?
Persze, elsõnek irjátok be a guildbe milyen instába mennétek és összedobunk egy csapatot.

- Miért nincs hozzáférésem a guild ládákhoz?

Mert még nincs meg a rangod hozzá (részletek a blogban).

- Mit rakhatok be a guild bankba?
Ne rakj be szarokat és ne használd a tatyóid kiegészitéseként! Ha nem vagy biztos a dolgodban kérdezz meg egy nagyobb rangút.

- Mi történik az adóval amit befizetek? Lefogadom a vezetõk magukra költik el!
Nagyon NEM. Minden befolyó összeg a guild Haven World fejlesztésére megy el, még sok millió kamasra vagyunk a maxolástól.

- Hol van a Haven Worldünk?

Amakna Swords Crossings Zaapal szemben.

Some changes


I. Flower-ranger
rights: nothing (still benefits from Guild bonuses)
requirements: nothing

II. Member
rights: recruit, access to chest 1 and contrabandit
requirements: 1.000 GP

III. Veteran
rights: recruit, access to chest 1-2 and contrabandit
requirements: 2.500 GP

IV. Champion
rights: recruit, access to chest 1-2-3 and contrabandit, take kamas from bank, buy guild bonuses, edit guild message
requirements: 5.000 GP

V. Commander
rights: recruit, access to all bank slots (houses and contrabandit too) take kamas from bank, manage HW, buy guild bonuses, edit guild message
requirements: 10.000 GP

VI. Justiciar (honorary title)
rights: everything except create/edit/delete ranks
requirements: your life is owned by the Guild :D

Monthly tax:

rank × 10.000 Kamas 
or rank × 1 fragment